Saturday, May 7, 2011

Video Help

Tomorrow is Mother's Day.  I'd like to put a video on the youtube page, a video of various people finishing the following sentence:

I'd like to thank my Lutheran mother for...

Responses can be funny, silly, sweet, sentimental, but should have some theological merit.  If you'd like to be in the youtube video, please make the video however you want (webcam, cell phone camera, regular video camera) and email it to

Those with nonlutheran Christian moms, if you'd like to submit a video, my terms and conditions are:

1. You give me permission, for the sake of continuity, to make it seem as though your mom is a Lutheran.
2. You give me permission to make fun of whatever non Lutheran thing your mom is.

Please, please, please help me out.  The video will be made of super concentrated awesome sauce.

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